Thursday, August 6, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
An Urgent Request

Hi Mit, hello Jim, hi Paul-hello Lesley- Hello Mr Tasse- I don't know if any of you know each other but Mit-Jim Stach is from FreedomfighterRadio.net and has helped propagate awareness of our plight further via proxy bulletin on Freedomsphoenix.com and has been gracious enough to host several interviews with me as guest. Mit Etagniw is a former broadcaster with Republic Broadcasting network, and hosts a site called Freedomshinnanigans.com and has also been extremely helpful, once interviewing me while police were still outside my door during an attempted kidnapping! http://www.gabcast.com/casts/3452/episodes/1215289263.mp3
Lesley Hughes has steadfastly supported us as journalist and friend, following the repeated afflictions upon us and now witness to the collusion corruption and wrote judicial breaches of law being committed towards our harm in the Manitoba law Courts as recently as Jan 18/09. Her presence at the Public Safety Buidling Oct 27/07 surely lended heavily to preventing what would assuredly have entailed my kidnapping and torture. Canada's involvement in the kidnapping and torture of Maher Arar, Scott Loper , John Graham, Gary Freeman set vice grip precident underscoring the likelyhood of just that thing.
Michelle Gross has petitioned heavily on our behalf as head of the Minneapolis based Communities United Against Police Brutality. Having witnessed and at times been subject to the tyranny and brutality of the Minneapolis Police force, and having carefully researched the nuances of our ordeal, she has provided corroborative voucher and attest to the accuracy of our account of the attacks upon us. http://advocacymgrosscuapb.blogspot.com/
While Roch Tasse, head of the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, has written to the Public Interest Law Center, appealed on our behalf with the ACLU, and appealed to Penny Priddy parliamentary member and MP for Surrey B.C. North- valiantly yet unfortunately without response from a government clearly intent towards our perminent harm.
Winnipeg City Councilor Harvey Smith (hsmith(at)winnipeg(dot)ca has stated quite correctly that he is the only city councilor to stand up to the Winnipeg Police- and he had challenged them on our behalf-so what did they do- city council passed legislation this year making it illegal for him to help us by making it illegal for a city councilor to assist those outside of their riding- and councilor Smith's assistant stated that our case was a primary focus instumental towards that bilaw being passed!
Leon in Toronto has been extremely helpful in posting links on his company website for his Toronto game store, having first seen account of ordeal on the net almost 1 year prior and having contacted me by email thereafter. His level of awareness and
Finally, Joshua Antonelli of the police abuse complaint centre at PoliceAbuse.com as per referral Jim Stach of freedomfighterradio.net, has been extremely receptive to our concerns and we look forward to dealing with their centre as an instrument of justice amidst the sea of injustice in which we are now cast.
Jim and Gianni Hayes ( Gianni Hayes giannihayes@creative-services.biz
info@thenaz.us, info@americandtc.com) have done interview together and Gianni has has a post on Republic Broadcasting This is where the lineage and cross over lies: Republic BroadcastingNetwork . (She also has a position with TheAmericanVoice.com . )
Jim had suggested he might refer me to her and I have since sent her the email below (a detailed press release giving most of the updated nuances of the state terror afflictions upon us)
I am still waiting to here back from her. Our lives are in danger, we no longer have an attorney (read the email) and we VERY MUCH NEED THE PUBLICITY EXPOSURE ON HER BROADCAST WOULD BRING. I see announcements for her broadcasts as spam in my in box every day- we MUST make use of this resource. The court is closing in upon us towards my kidnapping at this point via wrote denial of breach of law towards the occlusion of our stolent possessions with an aim to abcution and the use thereafter of this intellectual property against me in a covert tribunal- my second and my LAST.
I have tried petitioning THEAMERICANVOICE of my own accord Call in LIVE at 1-800-433-1429
Phone:541-826-9050 Fax:810-885-1842 and have spoken to a representative twice now, but have recieved no return of interest!
Some help with TheAmericanVoice and Gianni Hayes would be very much appreciated at this time.
It seems strange- I have done interviews with Charles Guiliani and spoken directly to Vincent Bugliosi an international figure during one of these sessions (“Charles talks with Vincent Bugliosi about indicting Bush for murder, and then he is joined by Aaron James and Ted Pike for the second hour.”
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2008 Charles Guiliani Republic Broadcasting
MP3 Files:
Hour 1 ,)
and yet OUR story is still in occlusion from the masses while tyranny closes in behind closed doors! We need assistance in referral very badly- I hope any of you would be able to be of assistance.
I will continue working of my own accord in researching and drafting legal documents with which to hold back the legal abuses upon us but certainly and referral and resultant propogation of our plight would be extremly advantageous and timely.
I am hopeful that through a coordinated set of efforts between all of us that pressure can be brought to bear on the figure heads responsible for the state tyranny upon us we are experiencing to this date.

I have effectively dismissed Adam Masiowski of Pinx Law &Co. from our legal council as of this date Feb 19/09- Although I infer no malice unto our persons, he has acted outside of our interests in locking us into a proceeding with a judge who has interests towards our harm and has actively acted on behalf of criminally charged Winnipeg Police towards our kidnapping and murder by allowing this same judge to take "seizure" of our case without having consulted me on the matter.
Though there was no malice intended in his decision, it will surely have deleterious and potentially very dangerous consequences for our persons.
Regarding the above, the Hennepin judiciary has been exposed by the Council On Crime and Justice as corrupt with the targeting of minorities victims of police brutality and the poor.
Secret Tribunal and Breaches in Law at Trial*click)
The Nuances of the Original Attack Aboard The Aircraft
Noting the racially hostile demographics of Minneapolis, they had just completed a nefarious racial profiling project emanating out of Israel (and noting Israel's bigoted genocide of the Palestinians) days prior to our arrival. My mother was accused of harboring a suspicious bag aboard the aircraft after having passed through security without issue!-after which we were verbally harassed and lambasted and set in upon by Minneapolis airport police aboard the aircraft. We have prepared a very detailed report outlining the nuances of the attack as well as ananalysis of the police' statements in exposing their false testimony and lies.
That the project came out of Israel under Ron Rafi and has its basis in the illegal procurement of information for FBI related racial profiling purposes, is also not surprising when one considers the genocide hate based horrors of the Israeli government’s afflictions upon the Palestinians. That Minneapolis was chosen as the location for Rafi’s pioneer project is no surprise once one considers the demographics at play referencing the racially hostile environment of Minneapolis within its judiciary and law enforcement also as delineated above.
toward the type of behavior that might precede an attack is laudable, this Briefing Paper argues that the indicators contained in Training Key 581 will not be implemented in a neutral manner.
Specifically, it concludes that these indicators are proxies for racial, ethnic and religious profiling,
and that implementation of the Training Key will disproportionately target Muslims, Arabs and South Asians, or those perceived to be Muslim, Arab, or South Asian.
... on the basis of overly-broad physical and behavioral characteristics, that will in the overwhelming number of cases end up targeting Muslims, Arabs and South Asians, or those perceived to be Muslim, Arab, or South Asian. " http://www.icj.org/IMG/CHRGJRacialProfilingReport.pdf
In collusion with the court to conceal the truth they forwarded the complaint to the prosecution and the FBI one week prior and the covert tribunal by wrote design to conceal, was established- we were threatened into silence at our own 'trial' and threatened into silence against the disposition of our complaint before the jury pool, a complaint which the court deemed "Anti-U.S. Government".
Clearly well ahead of its time, S1959 and HR1955, draconian legislation targeting free speech as terrorism, was being applied well ahead of its time, at the June 19-21st trial. Our judge, David S. Doty was a criminally charged X U.S. Marine, threatened us against U.S. Martial abduction at the trial and has a long history of judicial misconduct. The jury pool was laced with members and affiliates of FBI CIA NSA Minneapolis Police prosecuting attorneys and Northwest Airlines employees, the very airline on which we were attacked, and FBI agent Marc Rensch- the same agent who had interrogated me in the holding cell in attempt to link me to extremist groups-the same agent present outside our home- the same agent who had intercepted our complaint from Peace officer standards and Training and forwarded it to the prosecution- was called to the stand by the prosecution to the effect of "Now, would that handsome broadly grinning man sitting in the back row please come up to take the stand?"
Although the main felony charge had failed before the jury pool (the covert agents of which we did our best to weed out) , we were unable, given the gag order, to testify, and a second charge, of minor assault, added just 3 days before the trial in covert meeting between FBI the prosecution and Minneapolis Police, had been added without our notice, as relayed unto us by our attorney only as we were literally walking into the court room.
There is a significant body of evidence, some as witnessed by the head of Communities United Against Police Brutality, and other evidence of which we have made copious report, that our attorney did not have our best interests at heart.
This last minute charge was a continuum of their efforts to conceal the truth given our exposure of their crimes and before a covert tribunal, with both my mother and I given gag order, a criminally charged X U.S. marine as judge and covert government agencies representing the body of the jury. In furtherance to this collusion only 3 of 5 officers submitted statements and only 2 of 5 appeared at trial in order to avoid visual identification since they had rearranged and exchanged their positions aboard the aircraft in their written reports and only 4 of 5 badge numbers had been given to my mother at the time of the attack, in order to conceal the presence of the 1 black officer- officer Alvin Cooper #4215 who they felt might not go along with their lies. He had NOT taken part in the attack whereas the others had!
Officer Cooper assists us surreptitiously in uncovering the truth:
Despite their tactics, officer Cooper, writing in the guise of officer Sweigert (all officers had exchanged identities in their reports) made it a point of placing HIS FULL badge number and name -Officer Alvin Cooper #4215- in the middle of the report, whereas none of the other reports mentioned him and officers only gave the last two digits of their badges. His assistance had been made clear.
Given we had uncovered Cooper's presence within one of the reports via his assistance and that we had reflected knowledge of this within our analysis of police statements which Peace Officer Standards and Training maliciously forwarded to the FBI and prosecution, compensatory measured were instilled and in addition to the second charge added without our notice, Alvin Cooper was made to write a report in his actual pen name, yet again he covertly assisted in undoing their ploys by writing the narrative in such a way as to necessitate that he be in two places at once! Moreover, Alvin Cooper referred to me as "The Victim" on stand, much to the chagrin of the prosecution.
Moreover, in segregated testimony, despite the fact that the offending Stewardess Sherrie Caudill, who had harassed my mother and I on the aircraft by design, had done her best to berate us on stand, she demonstrated the effects of their extremist racial profiling program while stating vehemently "We are trained to KILL before we are killed" in supposed defense to cross examination of her deliberate verbal accost of our persons over the open P/A system aboard the aircraft. Moreover, in segregated testimony, senior stewardess Beverly Banks had stated “James remained calm and composed at all times" in direct refute of the airline's claim of response to "irate passenger."
Despite all of these nuances, the verdict of this trial had been predetermined before a convened kangaroo court tribunal, and I was 'found guilty' of the last second misdemeanor allegation- all of this a continuum off Hennepin county's track record of collusion between prosecution and judges and targeting of blacks victims of police brutality and the poor in occlusion of their systemic tyranny.
Finding our names had been placed on FBI.gov under MAJOR CRIMES- this despite a false conviction under 'misdemeanor' as an extension of FBI Co-Intel Pro character assassination ploys, we put up online disclosure of our afflictions via a two* part* video, concerned for our lives, in order to reach out to those who might be of assistance. We received cyber threats from FBI agent Marc Rensch as a continuum of the terror tactics denoted above, in response to our online reporting of their crimes on YouTube.
Just as prior to the trial, once more, family friends and associates thereafter were collectively placed through the utmost of persecution and affliction (erased voice mail ,sabotaged legal mail, phone threats stalking.
Online research has revealed startling and unsettling facts concerning the ties between Northwest John McCain and the FBI as relates to the illicit persecution of our persons ongoing:
McCain’s lawyers amongst the 133 lobbyists working for McCain
have Northwest Airlines and the U.S. chamber of commerce as their primary clients! http:// barack-omaba-onmccain-northwest-ties.blogspot.com/#McCain (*click) as also as seen hereinhttp:/barack-omaba-onmccain-northwest-ties.blogspot.com/
Moreover, Northwest Airlines is a primary corporate supporter of McCain in that
Northwest Air was the OFFICIAL CARRIER OF the MCCAIN PRESIDENCY CAMPAIGN 2008 as seen in coverage Northwest Air Daily Traveler magazine.http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/2008/08/northwest-airlies-supporting.php http://mccain-northwest-airlines-goons.blogspot.com/
A key finding was also Northwest Airlines and McCain’s mutual persecution and cyber stalking of ‘political dissidents’ and bloggers in opposition to their corporate and political interests:
McCain has “upp(ed) his efforts to quash a long and dearly cherished American right by pushing a bill called the "Lobbying Transparency and Accountability Act." Introduced in Dec of 2005, this bill proposes to give the government even more power to regulate free political discourse.(See the full text of the bill here)Among the worst of the many anti-Constitutional things this bill would do is re-define lobbyist to include "grassroots" organizations. This easily would include bloggers, talk show hosts, writers, or anyone who speaks up about politics. In short, this covers every American that wants to open his mouth for or against the government. http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/huston/060304
The caption on Northworst Air.org, a website illustrating the inequities within Northwest Air, states definitively, Northwest Air “ Sends GOON SQUADS to silence online cyber critics”…"The potential for abuse seems too high, and the idea sounds ominous to those who cherish free speech without risk of punishment."http://www.northworstair.org/NWA-eWatch/
The webpage references a secondary article from BusinessWeek.com which spells this out in further grim detail, stating, “A new service allows corporate spinmeisters to retaliate against outspoken citizens with "reeducation" efforts -- or worse… Beware the public relations person with a modem. Now corporate spinmeisters, too, can go online to track customers -- especially the disgruntled ones who vent their spleen in cyberspace… Tracking so-called "perpetrators" is also part of the service, says eWatch National Product Manager Ted Skinner. That's done by "using a variety of methods, such as following leads found in postings and Web sites, working with ISPs, involving law enforcement, conducting virtual stings and other tactics," he says.” http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/july2000/nf00707g.htm
FBI’s Ties to Northwest Airlines concurrent with those of McCain Basis of Further Affliction upon James Family:
As further documentary evidence on the basis of the afflictions upon the James family, ties between FBI and Northwest have now also become transparent:
“The nation's largest airlines, including American, United and Northwest, turned over millions of passenger records to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, airline and law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday. A senior official with the F.B.I. said the airlines cooperated willingly. Some, like Northwest, provided as much as a year's worth of passenger records, which typically include names, addresses, travel destinations and credit card numbers. ''There was no reluctance on the part of anybody,'' added the senior F.B.I. official, who said that bureau rules required him to speak anonymously. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=travel&res=9B06E3D9153DF932A35756C0A9629C8B63
washingtonpost.com: "Northwest Airlines provided information on millions of passengers for a secret U.S. government air security project soon after the Sept. 11th terrorist attacks, raising fresh concerns among some privacy advocates about the airlines' use of confidential consumer data. The nation's fourth-largest carrier publicly asserted in September that it 'did not provide that type of information to anyone.' But Northwest acknowledged Friday it had already turned over three months of reservation data to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration'sAmes Research Center by that point." So what you're saying is that Northwest out-and-out lied. Nice. You know - is it any wonder that people don't trust Big Anything anymore?
posted by NL Staff at 22:35" http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A26037-2004Jan17
FBI Cointel pro and the Council on Foreign relations has its basis in eugenics
in parallel with the birth of the British-inspired Federal Reserve,
… and the Federal Bureau of Investigation… The Rockefeller Foundation poured money into the occupied German republic for a medical specialty known as "psychiatric genetics." This field applied to psychiatry the concepts of eugenics (otherwise known as race purification, race hygiene, or race betterment) developed in London's Galton Laboratory and its offshoot Eugenics Societies in England and America. http://thewebfairy.com/911/cia-drugs/Msg01702.html
German general) William Draper served as head of
(Prescott)Bush’s campaign funding. Draper’s grandfather had
founded the Pioneer Fund to promote eugenics. http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/timeline.html
In turn, “Prescott Bush was Hitler’s banker in America and
was referred to by the New York Tribune as Hitler’s angel.”
Given my black ethnicity, the fact that we have been targeted so insidiously flows naturally from the hate based origins of the FBI, a criminal organization that acts without basis in law on the merits of racial hatred.
Through the combination of the tasing at the airport (at which police admit within their report to having held the taser over my heart for a period of over 10 seconds!) and the continued barrage of terror tactics upon family friends and associates, the cyber threats, covert agencies involved, the physical condition of both my mother and I had tremendously deteriorated. I woke with heart attack like symptoms and cold sweats requiring nitro patch and hospitalization on over 10 occasions over the months that past; the onset of heart palpitations and ill health afflicted my mother, and family was generally terrorized. We knew the full weight of whom we were dealing with within capacity the FBI and U.S. regime, and that very likely, by following and abiding by their path of abuse and judicial exploitation our very lives were in jeopardy .
We made a pivotal decision to resist and chose not to return for their race hate based judicial persecution and kangaroo court "sentencing" which the African Canadian Legal Clinic member Collin Brown, and many others observing our case, predicted may result in my torture or death.
IT MUST BE MADE CLEAR THAT THE U.S. HAS NO LEGAL JURISDICTION WITH WICH TO ACT AGAINST OUR PERSONS OR PRECURE MY 'RENDITION' BACK TO THE UNITED STATES in that they would need a felony level charge against us in order to enable such legislation and no such charge exists... and yet given the McCain affiliation with the airline, and our lobbying against the systemic institutionalized police state race based judicial tyranny inherent with Minneapolis and the airline, both governments -Canada and the U.S. - are working surreptitiously towards that very end, via covert attempts at my kidnapping and murder!
And this despite that criminally charged Judge David S. Doty had sent us notice via public defender Gary Bryant Wolf as of early February of 2007, that no action would be taken towards my rendition. Of course, he was obliged to take this position since such action would be and HAS been illegal and felony offense. Judge Doty via the ongoing attempts at our kidnapping and murder has not only contradicted his own verse and ruling as further attest to his history of judicial misconduct, but has acted on his threats made that day in the court room to the effect of sending U.S. Marshals into Canada to "hunt us down like blood hounds" and is thus complicit in felony level crimes as furtherance to the charges already standing before him.
Consistent with the above, the attempted kidnappings began at the beginning of the U.S. political campaigning when our family’s lobbying against the airline would have been most deleterious to the corporate and political interests of McCain’s befallen campaign for presidency.
Moreover, we received cyber threats from FBI agent Marc Rensch as a continuum of the terror tactics denoted above, in response to our family’s online reporting of the crimes being committed against us and since the onset of the kidnapping attempts, threats from FBI referencing John McCain (http://mccainconcerns.blogspot.com )and harassment from CIA in capacity CIA agent Barbara Hartwell.
CIA agent Barbara Hartwell had called in to a broadcast interview I had done shortly after the initial kidnapping attempt. 1 year later on or about Oct 1st /2008 she called in to a broadcast on which I was guest once more on WTPRN.
The following day, on an entirely different network, on RBN I mentioned the fact that CIA were most likely listening given my phone line is tapped. CIA agent Barbara Hartwell called in at 23min:30sec in the following interview only11 minutes after I mentioned her name at 12min:30seconds!
The Winnipeg police, via FBI asset Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill, are now attempting our abduction to murder in order to silence our online voice for having spoken out against McCain, having attempted such now a total of 14 occasions, the first abduction attempt on Oct 27/07 at the beginning of the commencement of the McCain Campaign.
They are acting criminally surreptitiously and without warrant or charges in order to effect the silencing of our online voice against McCain and the republicans for their hate based afflictions upon us.
There have been no less than 14 attempts at our kidnapping/murder thus far here within Canada via the use of contracted out local Winnipeg Police who are also criminally charged!* (James Peter Sushnyk andJess Zebron(*click) step son former Winnipeg Police Chief Jack Ewatski, who resigned in disgrace in 2007 due to issues of racism and corruption within the Winnipeg Police force.
-I have their names and detail listed here(*click).
They are working surreptitiously in capacity FBI asset Winnipeg Pol Chief Keith McCaskill, who through nefarious illegal exploitation and use of his affiliation with FBI and Minneapolis police, is being used to effect black ops operations towards our kidnapping and murder!
As seen on HIS BIO http://winnipeg.ca/police/AboutTheService/chiefmessage.stm on the Winnipeg Police home page-towards the bottom of the page FBI AGENT Winnipeg Police Chief "Keith McCaskill is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) National Academy, and of the Canadian Police College’s Senior Police Administration Course and Executive Development Course. was elected President of the FBI National Academy(click) Associates North West Chapter representing law enforcement officers from South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota (*where my mother and I were attacked aboard Northwest Air), and Manitoba (home residence/site of Winnipeg Police murder/kidnapping attempts(*click) upon us!), and has been active on numerous boards and committees. "
at our kidnapping and murder by local law enforcement in capacity Winnipeg Police, are being effected without warrant or charges, surreptitiously, in order to see about silencing our online voice and protests of the attack and the draconian judicial flagellation as extension of the original assault aboard the aircraft.
McCain Sends Threats us threats via FBI:
Immediately following the initial kidnapping attempt upon their persons, James was forced into hiding into remote retreat locations where he had been forced to remain between Oct 2007 and June 2008, for the most part, with rare visitations to his home address for contact with family and for supplies. James received first a threatening phone call from FBI agent Steven Davis, threatening FBI and U.S. Martial intervention unto his kidnapping, and then on March 4/08 only 4 days later, a threatening email from same said agent, -a cyber threat threatening kidnapping sent by FBI carbon copied to John McCain! http://McCainConcerns.blogspot.com
Again, though there is no malice intended by our attorney's action, he need have consulted with me prior to having made such a directive, as affirmed Communities United Against Police Brutality head Michelle Gross. There have been communication issues and issues of what I have interpreted as disrespect that I have felt cast upon my person and over $11000 dollars spent towards justice has yielded little if any reward. Upon request that this motion made without my consult, he as my representative, be dismissed, I was advised that given " Judge Giesbrecht seized herself of the matter yesterday... This means that no other judge can hear it, only she can.
To remove her from the case would likely require an order of prohibition (a prerogative writ!), this can only be done in Queen's Bench court and would likely cost a lot (somewhere between $5-10,000 depending on the Crown's position) and take a long time (maybe 6 months-ish)."
I was also informed upon my inquiry that to obtain a Writ of Mandamus designed to force the judge to do her job properly (as opposed to acting surreptitiously on behalf of the police toward our harm and my kidnapping and murder beyond the boundaries of law) would also require somewhere between $5-10,000 and take an equally lengthy amount of time. All of this seems very convenient for the court. Circular self defeating tyranny has been institutionalized and built into their mandate.
Judge Linda R. Giesbrecht has a legal obligation to facilitate the return of our property which she is criminally culpable in negating and the following is documentary of her sinister intent towards my kidnapping and murder in collusion with U.S. factions towards that end.
I was forced into hiding out of my home out overnight in snow/-30 degree weather and finally out of the city to country area in the foothills in order to survive the attempts at my abduction/ kidnapping while we acquired legal counsel.
Since we had acquired a lawyer, the Crown informed police they had better relinquish their application for the destruction of our property since if it went to court for a hearing, all of their illegal activity would be exposed by our attorney.
...The police response was MORE CRIME- further kidnapping attempts upon my person Jan 7/08, Jan 19/08, Jan 26/08, July 4th,9th 10th
Between the months of Oct 2007 –June 08 I had been forced into hiding into remote retreats in the country, returning home only on occasion for consult with family and supplies.
Finally police relinquished and withdrew their petition to destroy our belongings - but not before an Aug 31/08 kidnapping attempt which was witnessed in video which was preceded by an Aug 22/08 call to my mother by Sgt Ogwal, in order to intimidate her (having terrorized her at her home in company 3 other "police" officers at nearly midnight Jan 7/08 in search to kidnap/ murder me.
We had suspected court complicity for a long while- the court kept allowing the police extensions of time past the court ordered time limit for return of property and stalling hearings- the police in turn made further attempts towards my kidnapping and murder (Now 15 by our count!)- a symbiotic judicial/law enforcement union of corruption and sinister intent.
We had the police all but exposed- they had been forced to relinquish on their illegal hold of our property and judge Giesbrecht had ordered that the police return our possessions in court as of Sept.3/08 giving them a 30 days grace period in order to comply with her ORDER. Surely we could now expose them in so far as the collusion with the United states-especially given their inopportune admission to our attorney.
...Jan 14/08 we got to court and for the 4th time in a row, the police were without our possessions
It would not be the first time Canada and the U.S. have acted jointly and covertly in this fashion towards kidnapping and murder.
"Ottawa sacrificed Arar (TO TORTURE!) to save face with U.S., Syria" The Globe and Mail; August 10, 2007 at 3:23 AM EDT Article:
"WASHINGTON — The federal government fought like blazes to keep the fact that the CIA sent Maher Arar to Syria from you - they fought so hard that it took a court order for you to hear it - because Ottawa doesn't want to lose face with the Americans, or the Syrians for that matter. To preserve their trust, our government was prepared to sacrifice the trust of its own citizens. What are we to make of such a thing? The blacked-out lines of Mr. Justice Dennis O'Connor's report that are now available for all to see offer little that should surprise. Of course the Central Intelligence Agency was at the heart of the decision to deport Mr. Arar to Syria. That's what the CIA does. We already knew - because the inquiry report describes it in grim detail - that Canadian intelligence and justice officials were feeding the Americans wrong information, though we now know that some of that wrong information came from Syria,... MORE of ARTICLE (click) or go to:http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20070810.wibbitsonarar10/BNStory/Front
Moreover, the Canadian government has been involved in collusion with the U.S. ,also in the abduction to torture of A.I.M. member John Graham from Canada to the U.S.http://www.gnn.tv/headlines/14252/Delivering_Framed_John_Graham , the abduction of Canadian Muslim Maher Arar (http://maherarar.ca ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ufVGyHb0Gc )from JFK airport to Syria, the abduction from Canada to the U.S. of 60's black activist Gary Freeman http://garryfreemanextradition.blogspot.com/ , and the torture abduction of U.S. officer Scott Loper, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVHCPtuY3d8 http://scottloperstory.com abducted to Canada from the U.S. and fraught with horrific flagellation via 4 years of torture, for his exposure of 100's of Canadian police crimes.
Winnipeg Police now claim the police officer was in error about telling Adam that my "belongings and documents were seized and sent to the United States in Minneapolis"- in error over such an unusual-ILLEGAL-and FINE detail? Impossible. Police also deny their presence at my apartment or their intent to kidnap or murder my mother and I.
The judge in question has, despite wrote evidence within the Winnipeg Police statements to the effect of the theft of our property, thrown out the case for its return, taking the word of police who are CRIMINALLY CHARGED http://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/20080115112691/wire/national-news/four-winnipeg-police-officers-facing-charges-job-status-under-review.html with perjury and illegal entry in separate counts over our word as direct witness to the thefts, and that notwithstanding the fact that a police officer 'out of the loop' also admitted to our attorney on Dec 21/07 that our belongings and documents had been taken seized and sent to the United States in Minneapolis. The police statements state my property was "photographed and logged into evidence" . The judge does not contest that in accordance with my research on the meaning of this phrase, this indicates that police seized my documents and possessions and took them into 'police custody' and in fact, as evidentiary within their inopportune admission to our attorney, sent them to the United States in Minneapolis to be used towards their anticipated kidnapping, and held in reserve for the tribunal they expect forthcoming should Winnipeg police be successful in that endeavor.
Further still Winnipeg Police notes subpoenaed by our attorney have been found to contain overt threats and references to U.S. Martials, extradition FBI and
incredibly, threats upon MY VERY OWN MOTHER. "Linda James information entered into Niche...See Niche should contact with James be made...James subject to possible extradition...U.S. Martials handling case."
Moreover, this same judge has stated yesterday at a Feb 18/09 hearing, that she "does not see where any laws under the criminal code have been violated by Winnipeg Police" nor does she "see any merit in awarding costs for legal proceedings" .
Police were unsuccessful in their attempt as I had managed to communicate with our journalist Lesley Hughes from Canadian Dimension magazine by phone while police were still outside my home before the kidnapping attempt ensued. Upon Lesley Hughes confrontation of Winnipeg Police at the "Public Safety Building " (where I was being illegally detained taunted and threatened with abduction to the U.S. while police raided my home) police stated that they had been acting on a disturb the peace allegation which they had just then realized had "expired", yet regardless releasing me only later on that day near midnight, after several further hours of taunts and threats. Since this ordeal it has been substantiated that no 'disturb the peace' charge was ever laid. Moreover, a warrant for a home raid is not legally permissible for a disturb the peace allegation, nor is one's arrest from their home.
Section 337 criminal code: Judge Linda M. Giesbrecht of the Manitoba Law Courts is criminally culpable under section 337 of the Criminal Code for the failure to enforce her own order for return of our property. The section details that it is a criminal offense for a public servant to illegally withhold property belonging to a member of the public. She has facilitated just this thing via her collusion with police and the occlusion of property seized illegally during a warrantless home raid and attempt at abduction.
By assuming seizure of our case, albeit without our legal consent, Judge Linda M. Giesbreacht has assumed the legal role of Fiduciary debtor and remains criminally culpable and liable under such directive as detailed in the following:.
“Canadian law, for example, has developed a more expansive view of fiduciary obligation, more so than American law” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiduciary_duty
Our attorney had quite correctly petitioned her for the awardance of costs and reimbursement to our persons for legal fees incurred arguing accurately, that police had drawn us into legal proceedings via their own covert actions illegal entry and raid of my home, and the illegal search and seizure of property. She has been completely unresponsive to the law and has failed to acknowledge any of these facts.
Moreover, her anticipated denial of the awardance of costs is also by wrote design of the court who are overtly acting on behalf of U.S. factions at large towards our harm. With the denial of the awardance of costs the court realizes full well that this limits our ability and financial resource to recollect ourselves and in effect suffocates us under their unlimited resource through police induced legal harassment to the point that we no longer have the means to defend.
We have been locked into a proceeding to take place in March before this same judge where our attorney states he will argue our position for the awardance of legal costs returned, and yet just this past hearing Feb 19/09, she has already stated that based on the arguments presented (which are legally irrefutable) she does NOT see the argument for costs awarded and effectively dismissed our case for the return of property under these same nefarious and suspect circumstances during this same hearing.
Our journalist Lesley Hughes of Canadian Dimension Magazine remains a witness to the above judicial tyranny onset upon us as she was present for the Feb 19/09 hearing date and saw the culmination of the judicial injustices imposed upon us as described above.
From: "James, Linda"
To: resist1000@usa.com
Cc: lesleyhughescanada@yahoo.com
Subject: FW: Judge Giesbrecht - Presiding Over Ruling on Costs
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:15:15 -0800
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:56 AM
To: James, Linda
Subject: Re: Judge Giesbrecht - Presiding Over Ruling on Costs
Unfortunately Judge Giesbrecht seized herself of the matter yesterday. This means that no other judge can hear it, only she can.
To remove her from the case would likely require an order of prohibition (a prerogative writ!), this can only be done in Queen's Bench court and would likely cost a lot (somewhere between $5-10,000 depending on the Crown's position) and take a long time (maybe 6 months-ish).
I will wait until we meet to discuss this further with you...
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:05:33 -0800
To: Adam Masiowski<admas@pinxlaw.com>
Subject: Judge Giesbrecht - Presiding Over Ruling on Costs
Hi Adam,
I have discussed this situation with Aaron at length. Also, you will remember the sentiments that I expressed concerning Judge Giesbrecht yesterday, before we went into the court room. My opinion of her, after the court session, has deteriorated even further.
You have consistently put before her the fact that the various activities of the police concerning this entire matter have been illegal and unwarranted, and, she has consistently brushed the acknowledgement of this aside, quite determinedly, for whatever reasons. She has been indifferent and dismissive to the point of giving the appearance of being prejudicially disposed to make all of her rulings in this matter in the favor of the police.
You will recall that, when the police withdrew their application, it had nothing at all to do with any actions taken by judge Giesbrecht. It was solely due to your work on the case, which convinced the police that, if they allowed the matter to proceed, their illegal activities would be exposed in court, showing them as having violated Aaron's Constitutional Rights.
Judge Giesbrecht has already responded concerning the matter of costs, saying that this is extremely unusual, that there are no grounds for her to be seized of the matter, and that there are no provisions for her to do so, or words to that effect. She was extremely resistant to dealing with the matter of costs, and agreed to do so only reluctantly, with no enthusiasm for the possibility that there might be any justification for the awarding of costs.
She appeared to indicate that another judge could deal with the matter, indicating that she did not feel that it was necessary for her to be the judge to deal with it.
At this point, we have no confidence whatsoever in her ability to deal with this in a non-prejudicial manner. She has already all but put it on record that she is not intending to award costs. Pursuing the issue of costs with this particular judge, as things stand, is pointless.
Aaron and I are therefore asking you to make arrangements for this to go before a different judge. We do not wish the matter of costs to go before Judge Giesbrecht. That would be an exercise in futility.
I am advising you of this now, because I imagine you will need to begin working on this right away, in order to achieve the necessary changes.
I look forward to our meeting on Monday, February 23rd.
Thanks very much,
Linda James
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----- Original Message -----
From: "James, Linda"
To: resist1000@usa.com
Cc: lesleyhughescanada@yahoo.com
Subject: FW: Judge Giesbrecht - Presiding Over Ruling on Costs
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:15:15 -0800
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:56 AM
To: James, Linda
Subject: Re: Judge Giesbrecht - Presiding Over Ruling on Costs
Unfortunately Judge Giesbrecht seized herself of the matter yesterday. This means that no other judge can hear it, only she can.
To remove her from the case would likely require an order of prohibition (a prerogative writ!), this can only be done in Queen's Bench court and would likely cost a lot (somewhere between $5-10,000 depending on the Crown's position) and take a long time (maybe 6 months-ish).
I will wait until we meet to discuss this further with you...
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 09:05:33 -0800
To: Adam Masiowski<admas@pinxlaw.com>
Subject: Judge Giesbrecht - Presiding Over Ruling on Costs
Hi Adam,
I have discussed this situation with Aaron at length. Also, you will remember the sentiments that I expressed concerning Judge Giesbrecht yesterday, before we went into the court room. My opinion of her, after the court session, has deteriorated even further.
You have consistently put before her the fact that the various activities of the police concerning this entire matter have been illegal and unwarranted, and, she has consistently brushed the acknowledgement of this aside, quite determinedly, for whatever reasons. She has been indifferent and dismissive to the point of giving the appearance of being prejudicially disposed to make all of her rulings in this matter in the favor of the police.
You will recall that, when the police withdrew their application, it had nothing at all to do with any actions taken by judge Giesbrecht. It was solely due to your work on the case, which convinced the police that, if they allowed the matter to proceed, their illegal activities would be exposed in court, showing them as having violated Aaron's Constitutional Rights.
Judge Giesbrecht has already responded concerning the matter of costs, saying that this is extremely unusual, that there are no grounds for her to be seized of the matter, and that there are no provisions for her to do so, or words to that effect. She was extremely resistant to dealing with the matter of costs, and agreed to do so only reluctantly, with no enthusiasm for the possibility that there might be any justification for the awarding of costs.
She appeared to indicate that another judge could deal with the matter, indicating that she did not feel that it was necessary for her to be the judge to deal with it.
At this point, we have no confidence whatsoever in her ability to deal with this in a non-prejudicial manner. She has already all but put it on record that she is not intending to award costs. Pursuing the issue of costs with this particular judge, as things stand, is pointless.
Aaron and I are therefore asking you to make arrangements for this to go before a different judge. We do not wish the matter of costs to go before Judge Giesbrecht. That would be an exercise in futility.
I am advising you of this now, because I imagine you will need to begin working on this right away, in order to achieve the necessary changes.
I look forward to our meeting on Monday, February 23rd.
Thanks very much,
Linda James
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